Thursday, December 07, 2017

snow fall

snow falls and lands but doesn't stay
leaves dirty, wet streets.
no pristine, quiet, white landscape
the ground was not ready

a mirror held in front of a face
you cannot see
the person behind easy to replace
the eyes were not ready

the endless lure of the chase
where you don't believe
you'll ever get there anyway
but you like to dream

the curtains remain closed today
bright patterns gleam
hide a room that's full of shame
the room seems empty

the choice, the choice is yours to make
stop look breathe
it's happening now, this is not fake
don't try to leave

the present moment, the present moment, the present moment, don't escape
the grass is green
imagined futures might seem safe
but this image is 3D

let go of always trying to shape
yourself to someone's needs
this is exactly how you are, this is exactly who you are
every last thread

no one needs to stamp it with
approval's great seal
the fault lines are exactly what make
the rock beautiful

show all of it, all of it, all of it, it's the only way to take
the chance of vulnerability
the only way to come close
to what you've always dreamed

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