Sunday, April 16, 2017

Things that don't suck

Doorsteps. Windows. Balconies. Bare feet. Feet on wood floor, feet on grass, feet on sand. Zu viele Bäume zu zählen. Hängematte. Langsam gehen. Rennen, so schnell wie ich kann. Waiting. Red lights. Green lights. Gemischte signale. Nicht genau wissen, was du willst. Pepper mills. Packing. Unpacking. Making an old home new. Making homes of bodies. Haut. Old scars. Haare. Die eigene Haare schneiden. Nakt schlafen. Zufälle. Zu Hause alleine tanzen. Seeing you dancing. Land so flat the sky pulls me miles away. Long breakfasts. Broad shoulders. Friends on my sofa. Mit dir auf der friends-Ebene bleiben. Streaks of rain falling in the distance. Listening. Croissant. Croissant dipped in coffee. Biscuits dipped in tea. Waking up. Waking up alone. Waking up alone after dreaming I wasn't. Überhaupt träumen. Haut. Hände. Hemden. Loose collars. The space between your neck, your shoulder, your collarbone. Grenzen. Singend fahrradfahren. Making a mess. Words. The sound of your voice, whatever the words. Comfortable silences. Leaves on trees. Leaves on the ground. Leaving someone I love. Blossom. Soil between my fingers. Wind on my face at the sea. Warmth on my back. Air on my legs. My parents. When you're talking about something you really care about. Touch. Coffee cups. Sun beams splitting the air. High fives. Telling friends how much I appreciate them. Telling siblings I love them. Peanut butter. Underpants. Spontaneous gifts. Seeing you laughing. Waves crashing on rocks. Holes in my pockets. Clouds, sweeping, rolling, drifting, feathering. All my little hopes and fears. Mountains that can be climbed. Mountains that can't. Abstand. Nähe. Doorsteps. Windows.

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