Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Southwold's Cathedral

Character directionally variable, through a slow circling process.

And it looks better in watercolour...


Lisa Charlotte said...

Is it watercolour or photograph the 2nd one? If not, I would love to see the watercolour you did alongside. It looks so elegant and mystically beautiful in the dusk.

Stationary said...

They're both photos Lise; will scan my painting in sometime. It really was totally captivating, and

Stationary said...

(oops) seemed to change its mood so much with the light and with slow walking bringing different parts of it or views through it into visibility. Dink.

Lisa Charlotte said...

ah i shall wait with baited breath to see the painting. also some of your life drawings?!?!?.....have you been to the bottom of the garden yet by the way?!?

Stationary said...

Life drawings: schemes involving not-my digital camera and/or scanner are being contemplated. Report due to be filed shortly.